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Tasting the exotic combinations of Samgyeopsal(por belly) and Dakgalbi(spicy stir-fried chicken)

Dakchigo Dolsamgyeop CEO Sungshin Lee

Korea's economic development prompted many people to indulge in gourmet food. But the menus of existing franchise restaurants are getting similar and people seem to be fed up. This might be the reason that some exotic food are being loved by many people at the moment. Korea's top bilingual magazine Power Korea has visited the restaurant Dakchigo Dolsamgyeop in Cheonan which created an exotic combinations of Samgyeopsal(pork belly) and Dakgalbi(spicy stir-fried chicken).

The profound and mysterious encounter of Samgyeopsal and Dakgalbi

Dakchigo Dolsamgyeop is located in Cheonan and is a representative gourmet restaurant providing unique menu and services in modern interior, large tables and clever seating arrangement. But the large stone plate will attract you the most if you are in the restaurant. This stone plate is different from the existing ones which makes people concern about its hygiene due to the cracks on the plate but this one is made of ceramics. The normal stone plate takes some time to heat up the plate but the ceramic plate saves fuels as it heats it up quickly. Naturally, you can enjoy the food faster and it is really hygienic. Because it is large, you can also put many ingredients on the plate which gives you an extra fun. Their key menu is Samgyeopsal and Dakgalbi that is served together. The idea is that when you eat Samgyeopsal you feel a little bit oily but spicy Dakgalbi can solve this problem. In addition, you do not need to be inconclusive about which menu you want to choose because both Samgyeosal and Dakgalbi come together. The Samgyeosal is provided in the state of biscuit firing after 10 to 14 days of ripening period and the sense of chewing and gravy is excellent. The restaurant also uses only Korean raw chicken and the 24 hour-ripened special sauce for the chicken was developed by Sungshin Lee, the CEO of the restaurant. Though Dakchigo Dolsamgyeop has been opened for only 6 months, its popularity is already spread nationwide.

Launching franchise business in earnest with the goal to have a long run

Dakchigo Dolsamgyeop is preparing for launching franchise business in earnest. Lee said "the recent trend of eating-out is about cheap price, a variety of menu and tasty food. I'm going to expand the business by fulfilling those demands." Usually, the normal franchise member stores are required to have a 120 square meter space, and the most ingredients are provided by one stop service from the head office, and they can not have alcohol or retail margin. But Lee is planning to give the branch owners a cooking training by himself to remove the intermediary margin. A long run for Lee means that if the head office wants to survive, the member stores also have to survive. That is why Lee made 'win-win management' as his management philosophy. Lee said "the franchise which fills his stomach only with their short-sighted menu cannot last long. I want to make a brand that will last more than 10 years with a unique menu which the customers never get fed up with."

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