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The Korea's top bilingual magazine Power Korea and Rice Share Movement Headqaurters hold the Happiness Share Charity Exhibition 

The Korean English current-affair monthly magazine Power Korea(publisher Jongwon Baek) and Rice Share Movement Headquarters(CEO Ildo Choi) hold the 'Happiness Share Caricature Charity Exhibition' from 27 October to 11 November for 3 weeks at the main hall of Seoul Metropolitan Council. The exhibition is held second time this year after its first exhibition in 2013 and all the profits go to Rice Share Movement Headquarters. The artist Philhun Kim drew the caricatures again this year and also the artist and president of Korea Art Culture Corps Soonok Lee's 'Metaphorical Space' will be exhibited. Kim said "since I started this supporting projects I realized that not only material help is needed for children but also mental stability and that is why I opened the art psychotherapy center 'Gaon Clinic'. Kim is active now as an art psychotherapist in Meritz Fire and Y Star News, and has appeared on the MBC TV programme 'Real Story Eye' to take the psychology consultation role. 

Although Lee is an artist, she is also active as a poet and essayist and has had more than 20 solo exhibitions. Lee always participates in talent donation events and she said 'yes' without a moment's hesitation to participate in this exhibition when she was asked. 

The exhibition is participated by the chairman of Seoul Metropolitan Council Laehak Park, and the 16 members of the council Geongtae Kim, Kiyeol Park, Yangsook Park, Joongwha Park, Youngjin Seo, Yoonki Seo, Baekjin Sung, Guntaek Shin, Bongsu Oh, Mikyoung Wu, Gwangsang Yoo, Changeong Yoo, Sunghee Lee, Seunglo Lee, Yoonhee Lee, and Geongpil Lee. The exhibition also is sponsored by Seoul Metropolitan Council, International News Agency, Chicken Maru, Metro Business Center, Segero TV, Korea Drive(1577-1577), JS Co,. Ltd., Park Hye-Gyeong of Myeongpoomchanbang, and JDC Dance Academy.

Power Korea has been leading various social service activities with UNICEF and Korea World Vision to raise the fund for the disadvantaged children in the world. Power Korea intends to keep leading such activities for the underprivileged people in our society.













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