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LG ÀüÀÚ, Àü·« ½º¸¶Æ®¿öÄ¡ ¡®LG G¿öÄ¡R¡¯ Ãâ½Ã 

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LG Electronics released new air washer products reinforced with sanitary function. 

LG Electronics introduced three of new air washer products aiming at the autumn/winter high demand seasonal market. The products include Air Freshener and Ultraviolet Rays Water Tank Sterilization and they are reinforced with sanitary function and a variety of colours. LG's new Air Washer(LAW-A049PG) is a product to supply microscopic moisture, the size which germs cannot ride on, through natural vaporization, and it has air freshening function as well as air washer function. 'The ultra microscopic filter' removes 0.02§­ size dust, which is 125 times smaller than ultra microscopic dust, and 'the deodorization' filter removes odors and carbon monoxide, and both filters can be removable. The new product of Water Tank Sterilization (LAW-A049SV) sterilizes the tank with ultraviolet rays for 90 minutes every 6 hours, the period which the germs intensively proliferate, to minimize the odors and water scale. LG reflected consumers' demand to clean up the tank and thus applied this function. With its design of curved edges, the new LG Air Washer won the IDEA gold prize including 4 other prizes, and was recognized for its competitiveness. They applied gold/violet/silver colours according to its model, and the price range is from 300,000 to 400,000 won($380). Jaehoon Kim, the head of LG Electronics' AE Marketing Department, said "we released new air washer products which have sanitary and high speed humidification functions as the high demand seasons have come. We will lead the market with our excellent product competitiveness and design."

LG Electronics released strategic smart watch 'LG G Watch R'

LG Electronics released strategic smart watch 'LG G Watch R' on 14 last month in the domestic market. The watch was first introduced at IFA 2014 in Berlin, Germany. The watch applied the full-circle design loaded with circular plastic OLED display for the first time in the world as a smart watch. Plastic OLED is suitable to make it light and thin, and provides clear colours as it has wide viewing angle. The watch also applied luxury metal body and natural leather strap so that it can look like a real classical watch. The strap adopted 22mm, the standard width of watch, so that the users can change it according to their style. The watch is loaded with ¡â410mAh high-capacity battery ¡âAdroid version 4.3 user interface ¡âAlways-On screen function for 24 hours ¡âheart beat censer ¡â Google Now service ¡âIP67 water proof for 30 minutes in 1 meter under water. 

IT specialized media from IFA 2014, Berlin, Germany, chose the watch as the 'Best of IFA 2014', and major foreign media praised the watch as "the best(GSM Arena) smart watch so far", "the most attractive(Mashable) thanks to its circular screen", "excellent display, perfect circular screen, clear, vivid and sensitive(Slashgear)". Geongsuk Park, the head of LG Electronics' MC Operations, said "our smart watch perfectly personified the original watch designs. We will set our status as the leader of the wearable devices by releasing more esthetic and innovative smart watches."

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