Hong checks on price of goods for Korean New Year

ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚl½ÂÀÎ2022.03.02







Economy and Finance Minister Namki Hong checked on price of goods for Korean New Year by paying a visit to Sangdong Market, Bucheon on January 26. He swung by fruit, meat and egg stores and asked price and listened to market merchants. 

Hong pointed out that the government started supply of holiday commodities 3 week earlier than previous year with record high 20.4 tons of goods, a 31% increase on last year. As a result, 15 items except apple and chicken have price dropped, a survey shows. Apple and chicken also show relatively cheaper price when compared to previous year and the government is monitoring and is ready to make an action when the price goes unstable. 

He bought a number of foods and paid a visit to a youth center nearby and gave them as gift and listened to the staff and encouraged young people. 

"Despite government's continuous support and effort, I feel we still need many things to be improved and we will keep working hard for the youth to make their way smooth and nice by listening carefully and providing down to earth support" said Hong. <PowerKorea>

ÁöÀ±¼® ±âÀÚ  jsong_ps13@naver.com
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