¡ã Laura Kim, Director of Edn Child Development Center |
Although the SBS program ‘Our Children Have Changed’ ended, it raised the public awareness on the children who had emotional, behavioral and social problems acquired. The program invited industry specialists to demonstrate the fact that these children can change through psychological and developmental therapies. Located in Asan City, Edn Child Development Center boasts 10 years of knowhow and experience in the field. The therapies relating to art, music, reading, playing, cognition and sensory integration are well received and proven as effective. Language therapy, for example, helps a child improve social relations and communications while art therapy to express pent-up feelings. Playing helps to let out inner troubles while sand play to promote imagination. Reading helps to raise understandability while music to improve psychological stability and physical engagement. Cognition in particular helps to grow the potential of a child to the maximum level. Director Laura Kim of Edn Child Development Center said “It is but a great advantage that the children with emotional, behavioral and social problems can get professional and effective therapies at Edn Child Development Center.” As a specialist in the field, Kim has helped many children with the issues and made evident contributions to the development of the industry in Korea for the last 10 years. Not complacent, Kim is ambitiously pushing forward her plan to bring an ICT-driven psychological therapies and programs for the coming age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. “It will raise a new point of view on educating children and I will continue my passion until I can make it happen.”
<Power Korea> ‘rewrites’ Korean article in ‘plain English’ with ‘key points’
Jon Kim powerkorea_j@naver.com
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