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The cradle of fostering global manpower
Systematic and field based curriculum provided by top lecturers 
Director Gwangam Kim of WPS Plant Piping Welding Technology Academy 

Introducing promising professions
Technology related industries have played the role as the driving force of a nation regardless of the age in history. This is clearly evident that in this global economic downturn, welders are constantly demanded by ship building and construction industries. But most related industries are still experiencing a shortage of manpower. Director Gwangam Kim of WPS Plant Piping Welding Technology Academy said "once you have a certification, you can use it not only in Korea but in the world. You can earn considerable amount of money if you can build your career in the field for a certain period of time. For this reason, more and more people are knocking the door of our academy." 

Located in Ulsan City, the academy is providing various programs and certificates including TIG Pipe Welding, ARC Welding, Plant Can Welding, Master Craftsman Welding, Engineer Welding, Industrial Engineer Welding and Master Craftsman Electricity/Gas/Speciality. The academy produces more 100 master craftsmen a year and 400 to 500 people who were trained in the academy have a job in the related field on a yearly basis. Kim said "basically, acquiring a special skill takes a long time but welding does not take much time to learn the skill and there are a lot of jobs for welders in the market and you can earn a lot of money depending on your experience and skill." Many trainees of the academy are working in petrochemical complex, nuclear power plants and for Hyundai Heavy Industries. The academy also signed a MOU with Borough Office, City Hall and Women's Center to provide skills training for those who are looking for a job.

Fostering practical manpower
Kim wrote several books including 'Lofted Drawing Metal', 'Special Welding Practice', 'CO2 Ship Building Practice' and 'Ship Building & Plant TIG Welding' and these books are used as teaching materials. Kim also facilitated the real pipes and racks used in the field in the academy and teaches students from low welding skills to high skills. In addition, the academy is providing various theories and technical information on welding through its homepage and communities so that more people can learn about the skill. 

Another advantage of the academy is that it boasts the very best lecturers in the field who obtained related certificates including National Technical Qualifications and won Golden Medal at Construction Skills Competition. Kim said "the most important thing is that whether one can use his/her own ability to the full in the field. This is why we provide field based training rather than theories and certificates." Meanwhile, Kim is serving as a member of Regional Job Creation Committee to create jobs for both men and women.

Àӽ¹Π±âÀÚ  press0105@naver.com
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